DesignSpaceAfrica recently held an exhibition at the Open Design Festival in Cape Town City Hall. The Exhibition titled "Home" explored three notions of home: home as an area where one comes from, home as a shelter and home as a space for dreaming. This exhibition was highly participatory with activities such as building communities with building blocks, filling sand bags and sharing your ideas on our ideas wall.
The our research into the informal settlement in Philippi called Kosovo was shared with the public. Here planned housing and formalisation of Kosovo highlights challenges of relocation and displacement of communities who collectively formed a place they call “Home”.
Innovation in building a home was exhibited with our Design Indaba 10x10 Sandbag Houses where viewers could learn about construction techniques used in this project as well as how the community was involved in construction.
The third exploration of home was home as a space for dreaming. According to Philosopher Bachelard, the home protects the dreamer and allows one to dream in peace, without it one would be lost.
This exhibition served as a research project for DesignSpaceAfrica, gaining a better understanding into the subject called "Home.