Last night keen Young Urbanists in Cape Town met up to talk about housing and educating the future. The evening kicked off with an inspirational lecture by Luyanda Mpahlwa of Design Space Africa. The talk highlighted the harsh realities of our South African cities and in turn the great potential that is being realised by key African Architects for an African Architecture dealing directly with our unique conditions.
Next up on the Agenda was a mind blowing short film about the tallest slum in the world, the Torre David. This building is the improvised home of a community of more than 750 families, living in an extra-legal and tenuous occupation that some have called a vertical slum. The Torre David made it evident that there is potential for inner city vertical living. Find link here
The lively Alfredo Brillembourg of UrbanThinkTank took us through the potential of informal settlements. He backed up powerful statements such as informal settlements not being the problem but the solution to housing with wonderful examples of Urban Think Tanks work in Khayelitsha.
The floor opened to excited Young Urbanists who got to voice their questions and opinions in conversations with the talented panel of Architects and Urban Designers.
Passionate conversations were flowing until the early hours of the morning. Thank you Future Cape Town and the Young Urbanists for your efforts in hosting such a successful evening for all the passionate urbanists out there! DesignSpaceAfrica is proud to have been associated with such an amazing and inspiring event. We are looking forward to more.
To sign up and become a Young Urbanist click here