3 Primary Schools (Delft and Khayelitsha 1 & 2)
Client: Department Of Transport And Public Works: Education Type: Completed Project
Provincial Government: Western Cape
Project Value: R 48M
Completion: December 2008
Address: Khayelitsha 01 + 02: Cnr Welcome Zezile And Kerbe Rd, Harare, Cape Town; Delft: Welwitshia Road, Delft, Cape Town

Our firm was commissioned for three primary school projects simultaneously. Two schools are located in Khayelitsha Township and one school in Delft, in the Cape Flats. Modelled on the Ekuthuleni Primary School, the designs capture the design concept which achieved a ‘high-quality educational facilities in poor and deprived communities, and offering a creative teaching and learning environment towards the development of young learners’. Lessons learnt in the initial design were applied to improve the design product. The Design team had the opportunity to undertake design refinements in the execution of the new three schools project. However, the design of each school had to be adapted to each site context and orientation. The key challenge was to streamline production and construction documentation in order to meet project deadlines for all three schools. Our firm is in a fortunate position to have had the experience to develop a sustainable school building typology.